I am so smart, I am so smart, s-m-r-t...

No, really. I have been writing on this here blog for more than six months now, posting away and telling myself not to focus on the lack of comments. “It takes time to build an audience,” I tell myself, in my most mature and reasonable voice. “Blogs aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, and anyway hello! People have lives. Don’t be such a self-centered, neurotic git.” As one does.
Fast forward to today. My mom mentioned on the phone to the Chef today that she’d left me comments, but that they weren’t showing up because they hadn’t been approved yet by the webmistress. She just wanted me to know she’d been reading.
Turns out, even though I’d set all the settings to notify me for various and sundry, the setting I failed to adjust was email notifications of comments pending. So all this time, I’ve been thinking no one’s commenting, and thus wondering if anyone’s even reading, and it turns out…you are!
So I have now gone back and read all of your lovely comments (going back to the “official” launch date on February 8th!) — and APPROVED THEM omgwhatthehell — and teared up at your collective wonderfulness that you have taken the time to read and provide feedback, and to just have that lovely glow of, “They like me! They really like me!” I will reply back to each and every one, even if you decide not to go back through and read, and henceforth I will reply to comments, as well as check and double-triple-octuple check that I am aware of all comments awaiting approval.
In other news: I am a dumbass, news at eleven.

Reader Comments (2)
Ah ha! I wondered if I had offended with my last ramble. Good to know that that wasn't necessarily the case.
Oh, that absolutely wasn't the case. Nope, when in doubt, it's fairly safe to assume I'm a ginormous dumbass and go on about the day.