A peek at what's to come

My characters live inside me, playing out their story like a movie on a screen that never stops. I dream of them all, and what is to become of them and the tale they have to tell. I’m excited about where the next installment of their story is taking them — and me and you, by extension — and excited to be immersed in their world as deeply as ever. Which means I’m currently thinking of…
…girls wielding swords and outsmarting nasty beasties and evil men who underestimate them. One who is growing into her destiny as the savior of the world, another who is free spirit and assassin both, and perhaps a reader of the future, too.
…warrior princes who know great works of poetry by heart and need a bit of rescuing from time to time. One a brooding son of royalty with a price on his head and a determination to thwart Fate itself, another whose country has not existed for three thousand years and who knows full well that Fate always wins in the end.
…a healer and a scholar whose gentle hands must learn the ways of the sword as he seeks the cure for a wound that even his skill cannot heal. He is blind, but must learn to see if he is to recognize the cure when it comes to him.
…a mother whose plotting and scheming to change the course of a nation’s history changes her far more than her kingdom’s destiny. Without even realizing it, what used to be important to her ceases to matter, and when she finally notices the change she’s undergone, she starts to understand that love is trickier than she ever imagined.
…a young beggar thief who steals a bag of apples and gets more than he ever bargained for in the process. It’s a big day, a day of firsts: his first bath, his first hot meal in an upscale inn, his first pair of boots…the same day he helps topple a tyrant and install a new ruler. And that’s all before bedtime.
Excited yet?

Reader Comments (4)
Excited!??? Are you kidding???? I'm planning a re-read. I'm also speculating on who you're talking about in the character descriptions. I'm pretty sure I know who a few are... and there are a couple new ones... I can hardly wait!! Write, write, WRITE!!! (ok, I'm starting to sound like a crazy fan. I'll tone it down =)
No, don't tone it down!! You know how I love my fans, and the crazy ones are the best fans of all!
Ooooh! I love it when girls outsmart those who underestimate them and princes need rescuing. I can't wait to read more!
Me, too! And there just weren't enough stories out there with girls who swing swords and rescue princes, so I had to go and write one....